Welcome To Rammohan College
Rammohan College owesits origin to City College, Calcutta which is one of the oldest first grades College in West Bengal. It was founded in 1881 by a band of patriotic and selfless Brahmo leaders like Ananda Mohan Bose, PanditSivnath Sastri and Umesh Chandra Dutta. Rastraguru Surendranath Banerjee later joined the College as teacher. Up to 1961 City College had a women's Department in morning which has separately affiliated in 1961 to the Calcutta University and renamed as Rammohan College.
Our Vision
The Vision of the college is “Sradhaban Lavate Gyanam” or “The revered possesseth wisdom”. The goal of the college is to make a comprehensive training of mind, body and soul of girl students from all strata of society.
Our Mission
Vision being the goal, Mission is the road-map. It entails not merely imparting syllabus-oriented lectures, but also aspires to train students as responsible citizens having a wider and positive vision of life.
Message from Principal

When we educate a person, only an individual is educated, but if we educate a woman - we educate the whole family. Perhaps the illustrated group of patriotic and selfless Brahmo leaders of Brahmo Samaj, founded by Raja Rammohan Roy thought similarly. Rammohan College owes its origin to City College, Calcutta which was one of the oldest first grade colleges in West Bengal. In 1943 the City College started a section for the girl students which was inaugurated in the same building at 102, Raja Rammohan Roy Sarani.
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