Research Achievements:

Indian Immunology Society Life Membership: Dr. Samiran Mondal

Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, Sustainable Laboratory Grants 2024: Dr. Samiran Mondal

Asian Admirable Achievers Educationist and Researcher Dr. Kaustav Dutta Choudhury

Award receiving moment of Ms. Chayanika Roy

Award receiving moments of Mr. Kartik Shaw

Best Researcher award by VDGOOD Professional Association Dr. Kaustav Dutta Choudhury

Certificate of achievement Ms. Chayanika Roy

Certificate of achievement Dr. Santi Ranjan Dey

Fellow of Indian Chemical Society Dr. Samiran Mondal

Indian Chemical Society Research Excellence Award: Dr. Samiran Mondal

Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), London

Outstanding paper award in science congress: Dr. Samiran Mondal

Award of Ms. Pujita Ghosh

Dr. Moumita Das


Dr, Samiran Mondal has been awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Sustainable Laboratories Grant L23-2645701702 (2024) of £10000 GBP for the project "Development of low-cost laboratory robotics for promoting reuse of single-use plastics"