About The Department

The Department of English, Rammohan College, which was established in 1961 from its very inception, aims to offer an innovative approach to the study of English. Along with the mainstream British literature, the students of this Department also get the opportunity to study the vast corpus of Indian English Writing as well as the contemporary world literature written in English. Keeping in view of the growing popularity of interdisciplinary studies, students are encouraged to pursue English Literature beyond its limited canons and are taught to explore different links with several streams and disciplines.

Along with the pleasure of literature, the Faculty of the Department pay special attention to build and enhance the analytic skill among the students by introducing different teaching methodologies. The textual readings are complemented with different audio-visual aids. The Department regularly organizes lecture series, seminars, special talks and conferences by eminent academicians and educators in order to make the students academically enriched. The Department also conducts students’ seminars, workshops, study tours as well as different events which motivate the students to participate in different academic and extra-curricular activities, help to enhance their communicative skill, boost their confidence and promote the concept of holistic and joyful learning. The Department takes special initiatives to publish the students’ magazine—“Looking Glass” and the Journal—“Touchstone” with the intention to provide the students with a strong academic base. Departmental Seminar library offers opportunity to the students to borrow books.

Departmental excursions and cultural activities are held to give exposure to the students. Parents-teachers meetings are held to inform the guardians about their progress.

 Professors take class test for the Students of both Honours and General after the end of each topic to enhance their learning process and to chalk out their problems. The Department awards the Student who scores the highest marks in each Class Test to make a competitive and co-operative atmosphere in Classroom. The Department specially felicitates first three Students who score excellent marks throughout the Six Semesters in University Examination. Besides the Department instituted the Chandrika Mukherjee Memorial Prize given annually to the most meritorious Student.

 Along with imparting knowledge, all the Faculty of the Department remain always alert to groom the students in a way which would become congenial for their pursuit of higher studies as well as their professional careers.